Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Acting in Joy (Thoughts on The Art and Soul of Acting Blog)

A good friend of mine encouraged me to begin this blog by explaining to you why it is that I decided to launch my website and small business, The Art and Soul of Acting.  “People need to know who you are at your core. What it is you want to do, what you care about and why.”  Nothing like your attorney friends to get you straight to the point!  Thanks, Lee.

As an actor myself, and one who has worked with and taught actors of all ages for years, I’ve seen a lot of unhealthy approaches to working with actors and a lot of damage done.  Actors have a deep desire to give of themselves and share what is most important to them.  Acting requires a vital vulnerablity and tremendous courage. I honor and appreciate that deep commitment and treat it with respect.  I believe it is crucial to build relationships of trust with my students. I want the very best for each of them and I believe they can have it.

My goal is to provide a safe and nurturing space to explore and grow as an actor and artist. I am passionate about assisting actors to connect to their own innate and unique intelligence, spirit, creativity and power.   For those who choose to pursue acting as a career,  I provide a healthy balance of  both developing the students’ unique artistry while also assisting them with goal-setting and the development of their actor business.    I also wanted to provide a space for non-actors to reclaim their creativity, confidence and passion for living utilizing many of the imaginative and discerning skills of the actor and artist.

The Art and Soul of Acting is a place to be inspired, refreshed, encouraged, challenged and motivated!  A  supportive community that believes in the beauty and ability of every person.  It is also a community resource for actors and people who care about actors.  The Art and Soul of Acting teaches that if we are to live vibrantly and intentionally into the life of our dreams for ourselves and our community, we must act!   “Leap and the net will appear!”

I believe we can act in joy. I hope you will want to come along for the ride. I think the time is ripe to be who you are and live into the life you love!

Peace and joy!


P.S.  It takes a village to launch a website.  Thank you, friends and family!