Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Year : Crafting Your Actor Business Plan and Healthy Actor Disciplines for 2011

Actors have great imaginations and they serve us well, but have you stopped writing your Oscar acceptance speech long enough to take a clear, calm look at the current state of your actor business and what areas you would like to make a priority for the new year?  As an actor, you are your own small business.   For example, have you got great materials prepared but  have dropped out of acting class ? Or are you working hard in weekly classes but never get around to making new contacts , research or preparing professional materials?  Have you established a healthy discipline to keep you working steadily in all areas of your life as an actor so that you can actually enjoy the process ? There are so many aspects to attend to as the CEO or your own actor business and your well-being as a person engaged in this work. Today, I thought I'd share a few fundamentals of both business planning that you can apply to your Actor Business goals as well as a few sample questions to help you begin to think about establishing Healthy Actor disciplines in your life.

Test yourself and your goals with these three business and Healthy Actor  Discipline questions:

Business Plan - Three sample questions:

1.  Is it realistic?

Unrealistic goals simply wither and die. They sound great on paper but cost you psychologically in the long run.   In business planning, unrealistic goals will get you nowhere fast.  You want to look for steps you can take that are solid and achievable.   As actors, we have to know the things we can control and the things we cannot. Do you have a realistic plan for your work in the new year?

 2.  Is it strategic?

You can have it all but not all at once!   What makes the most sense for you to focus on this year? What will be your priorities be? Don't try to do a complete life make-over but instead take a look at those things that will be the next right step in taking you steadily down the path in creating a strong actor business model for yourself.  If you had to choose one thing this year that would make a tremendous difference in your actor business, what would it be?

3.  Is it measurable?

Now its time to take that strategic goal and break it down into manageable pieces.  How can  you work on this goal daily, weekly, monthly? How will you know you have achieved it? There's nothing wrong with having your head in the clouds, just make sure your feet are solidly on the ground.   

Healthy Actor Disciplines -  Three sample questions:

1. How do you handle rejection and disappointment? Do you have a solid plan for dealing with the inevitable emotions that accompany our business? Are you taking it as it comes or do  you understand that support and accountability make you stronger? How can you set up a support system that works for you?
2.  Have you considered your inherent need for inspiration? Do you know what and who inspires you? How do you build more inspirational experiences into your life?
3.  Caring for your instrument: YOU are your instrument! Do you have a daily discipline for attending to the needs of your body and health? 
These are just a few of the things we will be discussing as we prepare for a transformative year at THE ART AND SOUL OF ACTING STUDIO.
Check out our upcoming workshop:

The Art and Soul of Acting Studio, we will be hosting a workshop on Weds., Jan 5 from 7-9 pm at the studio. It's call LEAP! It will help you take a look at these questions and more as you dream and plan for a wonderful new year as an actor, director, writer or any creative endeavor or occupation.  We will focus on those activities and disciplines that will keep you healthy,  inspired and empowered as you craft your actor business plan for 2011.  The workshop is a gift to our dedicated studio members, and only $10 for new visitors/ actors to the studio.  It's our way of supporting your vital work! 

Questions or ready to register? I'm happy to discuss this with you.   TASA : 318.465.5374 or email

Ready to take your consistent growth as an actor seriously while loving the process? Get in class! More information here >  New session begins JAN 2011.

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